Generating a Return or Exchange

To generate a return or exchange in ShippingTree:

  1. Find the order you would like to generate the return for and click the order number

  1. Inside the order page, near the left rail, click “Return”

  1. Next, select the return type, quantity and reasoning for the return.

  1. Be sure to check ’email customer a copy of return label’ if you are planning on having the customer send back the original order.

5. Click ‘submit’ and the return is now processed. This will also create an ASN for the return so we can associate the return to the original order.

Note: You can keep track of all your returns in the ‘returns’ section under the ‘Inventory’ dropdown. Once the return has been processed, you’ll want to login to your e-commerce platform to generate the refund. ShippingTree does not directly refund your customers.

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