Order Statuses

ShippingTree aims to make order statuses as transparent as possible. There are three categories of orders: Unfulfilled, In Fulfillment and Fulfilled. Each of those categories contain further breakdowns, explained below.


Received: The order has been imported into the ShippingTree app and is awaiting fulfillment. This is a general status that represents an order ready to be fulfilled.

Backordered: The order contains inventory that ShippingTree does not have on hand. Once inventory is received via ASN and then stowed, these orders will become ‘received’.

Paused: The order has been paused. Once resumed, it will become ‘received’ assuming we have inventory on hand.

In Fulfillment

Processing: The order has been batched by our operations team and has entered the fulfillment process for the day.

Picked: The order has been pulled from the shelves and is ready for packing.

Packed: The order has been packed in its final shipping container and is awaiting a label.

Label Purchase in Process: The order has entered our label purchasing system

Label Purchased: The label has been purchased and applied to the order.

Label Purchase Failed: The label purchase for this order was not successful. This will happen due to a variety of reasons, most notably: address failure, carrier rate failure, or order was canceled.

Rate Limit Exceeded: As a merchant, you’re able to set alerts that require approval over a certain dollar amount. If that amount is triggered, this status will apply and you will be notified via email.


Shipped: The order has been scanned with the carrier and is on its way to the final customer

Delivered: The order has been delivered to the customer and the fulfillment process has been completed.

Note: Individual products/SKUs fall under the same categories and are displayed via an ‘Order Allocation’ window in the app, which is pictured below.

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