How to Set Up Shipping Methods

Through ShippingTree’s Shipping Method mapping, you can select the specific carrier and service to match with shipping methods and options selected by your customers and your store’s cart.

You can find more information about different Shipping Methods by reading this guide and scrolling down to the ‘Available Methods’ section.

Note: Shipping Methods must be written EXACTLY as they appear in your store’s cart in order to map properly.

To set up shipping methods:

  1. Click the gear near the upper right corner

  1. Select ‘Shipping Methods’

  1. Select ‘Add Shipping Method’ located near the top right

  1. Fill in the appropriate fields:
  • Shopping Cart Method‘: write the method EXACTLY as it appears in your store’s cart; this entry is case and space sensitive (i.e. “Free Shipping” cannot appear as ‘FREE Shipping’ or ‘FreeShipping’
  • Forced – Notify if Method Cannot Be Found’: check this box if you would like to be notified if the ‘Official Method’ cannot be used for an individual order (we will NOT fulfill this order until you have confirmed an alternative method)
  • Choice of Shipping Methods (either/or):
    • Official Method‘: make a selection here if you would like all orders matching this “Shopping Cart Method” to ship with this method
    • Delivery Days’: make a selection here so that all orders matching this ‘Shopping Cart Method’ will be shipped using any method that is estimated to be delivered in this amount of days
  • Guaranteed Delivery Days‘: check this box ONLY if you would like to limit the possible Shipping Methods to guaranteed Delivery Days (this restricts the options to select from)

  1. Click ‘save’ and you’re done.

Note: Correctly setting up your shipping methods and mapping is critical to both your success and ours. Our support team will help you set this up during onboarding and is happy to reconfigure and help edit as needed in the future.

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